Sunday, November 12, 2006

::14:: August 2006

I remember this was the period where illnesses prevailed between my two kids. Nothing serious like chicken pox, but they were passing the germs generously to each other. Unfortunately the sharing stops there. They don't share anything else unless you force them to!

(Click image for a larger view)

::13:: July 2006

Kids just have this amazing ability to waste time. I always live by a formula that if you need to bring your kids somewhere, you will need to factor in a buffer of 5 x (the normal time you require if you're going without them). Previously, without the kids, TT & I could leave the house and zip to anywhere at a moment's notice. Now, we have to contend with packing, and also putting up with their irritating demands: to record their favourite TV programs, want to change to another set of clothes, etc. Really bothersome!
(Click image for a larger view)

::12:: June 2006

Yeah this was done during the World Cup Fever season in June. I remember my son also had fever during one of those days, but it wasn't serious. It was actually my neighbour's cable box that needed fixing, not ours, and he was desperate because the World Cup matches were starting that night. Thus the comic strip came about from all these incidents...

(Click image for a larger view)

::11:: May 2006

Inspiration for this comic came from observing my two kids fight over the most trivial things like who was supposed to bathe first! It's amazing how they just like to antagonise each other by wanting the same things at the same time. And then they amaze you again when they make up a few minutes later and start playing with each other like best buddies.
(Click image for a larger view)

::10:: April 2006

The mother in this comic is a reflection of myself, and perhaps many other mothers as well! Somehow I feel the need to be prepared and have everything I will ever need in the baby bag, just in case. Two essential idiotic items I always pack in is my son's tiny security bolster and pacifier. It's the women that worry about these things. Can you imagine if we start packing for a holiday trip with the kids?

So Dads, please spare a thought for your wives the next time you decide to suddenly decide to bring junior to the beach during the weekend. Be patient as your wife packs the all-important inventory. And appreciate the fact that when junior suddenly feels peckish in the car, it is not by some miraculous coincidence that there are some packed munchies in the baby bag. Someone put it in there you know!
(Click image for a larger view)

::09:: March 2006

This comic was done during the Lenten Season. It is definitely not easy for stay-at-home mums. Some husbands don't even think it's a big deal... at least the Dad in my comic regards it as a nightmare! At least he knows it, well that's a step in the right direction.

(Click image for a larger view)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

::08:: February 2006

Children often forget how much their parents have done for them to bring them up and to give them a better life. Hopefully we don't have to resort to replaying videos to invoke guilty feelings in our kids if they grow up and start being ungrateful or disrespectful!

(Click the image for a larger view)

::07:: January 2006

This strip touches on National Service (NS) that all guys in Singapore have to go through, and I'm sure many of Singaporean guys will agree their demanding army training has come in useful in their lives as parents in more ways than one!
(Click the image for a larger view)

::06:: December 2005

This was drawn for Spotlight's Christmas issue and the words of the comic strip can be sung to the tune of "The 12 Days of Christmas".

(Click the image for a larger view)

::05:: November 2005

Parents get all their life and time sapped out tending to the needs of their little ones and often there is little time and energy left for God...

(Click the image for a larger view)

::04:: October 2005

Yes, isn't it amazing that we still love our kids so much even though they tire us out, give us so many anxious moments and make us angry with all their naughty antics and behaviour? It's a miracle indeed,and we thank God for the power and capacity He has given us to love our children unconditionally.

(Click the image for a larger view)

::03:: September 2005

I drew this cartoon in conjunction with our church priests' (Fr. Renckens and Fr. Fabian) golden jubilee celebrations. Well, it has nothing to do with parenting ... the little boy in the striped shirt and untied laces is called Jeremy, and he's the main character in the cartoon strip I drew for the church bulletin since 1986 called "Jeremy & Co." Because he's been around for so long, he's sort of a "resident" of our church!

Most, if not all comic characters never grow up (like Charlie Brown), so imagine our two poor catholic parents in my current comic strip...They have to have to suffer forever...

(Click this image for a larger view)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

::02:: August 2005

It's difficult for me not to think about the kids even when I'm having time to myself or exercising our "couple time". I just love to shop for kids' clothes and toys!
(Click the image for a larger view)