Wednesday, July 22, 2009

::27:: December 2007

Christmas has become so commercialised that "Christmas" is sometimes shortened to "X'mas". Christ = X? If you take the "Christ" out of Christmas, then we won't have anything to celebrate in the first place.

(Click image for larger view)

::26:: November 2007

This was drawn during the period when everything was soaring... prices of property, rice, poultry, public utilities, school fees, etc.

(Click image for a larger view)

::25:: September 2007

"Ask, and it shall be given you." Yeah, don't we all wish our prayers are answered instantly, the way this kid expected it to, without working for it. God answers our prayers the way that's best for us, and not necessarily the way we want it to be.

(Click image for a larger view.)

Friday, July 10, 2009

::24:: August 2007

Humans are not such simple creatures even when they're young. Somehow they learn to switch off to parents' nagging and only start paying attention when the voice becomes more aggressive and life-threatening! 

(Click image for a larger view)

::23:: July 2007

Ah, the infamous Primary 1 registration event in Singapore where there'll typically be much anxiety and nail-biting excitement for parents trying to get their children into the more popular primary schools. Balloting is done if there are more applicants than places. St. Joseph in heaven must surely receive piles of petitions during this period!

(Click image for a larger view)

::22:: May 2007

Here I am again, trying to catch up on backlog again... I don't post for two years and here I am once more... I'm still contributing for the church newsletter, but on a less frequent basis. It's hard to keep it up with so much things going on at work and with the family.

Anyway, this is a gag about herd mentality that we're all guilty of one time or another! Especially more so during the Great Singapore Sale (GSS)!
(Click image for a larger view)